College Credit Plus (CCP) is an advanced curriculum option for students grades 7-12 that allows students to take college coursework free of charge, and simultaneously earn high school and college credit. Students must meet minimum eligibility requirements per the state, and per the university in order to enroll in CCP. Enrolling in CCP begins the students’ college transcript, which is a permanent record that must be disclosed in future admissions applications. The student’s maturity and developmental readiness to manage college level coursework and tasks should be taken into consideration before pursuing CCP coursework, as the course content is not modified in any way to accommodate the student’s age or grade level. Students may either take CCP courses at the college campus, or at Lake Middle High School (see attached list of CCP course options at LMHS). Courses may be taken at the college/university campus of the student’s choosing, as long as it is an Ohio college, and the student must meet all eligibility requirements set by each individual school. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/student. A maximum of 30 semester hours per year (120 hours total grades 7-12) are allowed under CCP, minus three (3) semester hours for every high school credit in which the student is enrolled. Please see state written guidelines for more detailed information and explanations at
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