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Military Recruiters

Selective Service System


All males MUST register for the United States Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. Go to: to register.

United States Air Force

United States Army

Technical Sergeant James B. Thaxton
Enlisted Accessions Recruiter
311 Recruiting Squardron
4329 Whipple Ave NW
Canton, OH  44718

Cell: 330-603-8254
Fax: 330-492-2931

SSG  Christopher C. Iker 
U.S. Army Recruiter
173 Wooster Rd N
Barberton, OH  44203

Office: 330-391-8625
Cell: 330-391-8625


United States Navy

Ohio Army National Guard

Katharina "Katt" Tosh
Navy Recruiter
4933 Whipple Ave NW
Canton, OH  44718

Cell: 309-212-0756

Morgan Reighard
Ohio Army National Guard Recruiter


United States Marine Corp

Service Academies

Sgt. Brandon Fattarini
4933 Whipple Ave NW
Canton, OH  44718

Cell: 440-610-1494

United States Military Academy at West Point

United States Naval Academy

United States Air Force Academy

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Merchant Marine Academy

Please check with the associated representative/academy
or the most current deadlines and information!

Plan way ahead (as in the beginning of your Junior year) as there
are many steps that must be completed for any of the service academies!