Health Services
Health Services
Welcome to Lake Local Health Services! Our mission is to serve the students, families, and staff at Lake Local Schools.
Please provide the nurse and the school with any information that pertains to the health of your child. (For example: any new shots, allergies, medical problems, or medications needed)
When a Student Should Stay Home/When a Student Can Return After Illness
- Fever- A child with a fever should be kept at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication. At school, we go by the guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health which considers a temperature of 100.0 F or above a fever.
- Diarrhea/Vomiting- Please keep your child home from school until they have not had an episode of diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours.
- COVID-19: A child can return to school after their 5th day of COVID, as long as their symptoms are improving, they have been fever-free for 24 hours, and they can wear a mask at school until after their 10th day. Please note: The first day of symptom onset is day 0. If the child tests positive but has no symptoms, the day the test was administered is considered day 0.
- Pinkeye- A child with pinkeye is considered contagious and should not be in school until they have completed 24 hours of prescribed eye drops.
- Strep Throat- A child with strep throat should stay at home until they have completed 24 hours of the prescribed antibiotic treatment.
- We encourage you to seek medical attention when necessary when your child is sick or injured. Please follow all recommendations from your healthcare provider regarding your child’s return to school and other activities.
*Always make sure your emergency phone numbers are up-to-date and in Final Forms. |
We provide the following services:
- Protect and promote student health, facilitate optimal development, and advance academic success
- Share vital health and prevention information
- Assess illnesses and injuries and intervene when needed
- Follow-up with parents regarding illnesses, injuries, and other student health needs
- Manage chronic diseases and provide education
- Assist with the coordination of acute medical concerns
- Participate in development of Individualized Education Plans and 504 Plans
- Develop Individualized Health Care Plans as necessary
- Administer medications
- Monitor and intervene in the control of communicable diseases
- Conduct health screenings which include vision, hearing, and blood pressure
- Promote health education for students, parents, and staff
- Provide staff development to enhance teachers’ comfort levels in working with students with special health care needs
- Provide health counseling
- Act as a health care provider liaison for school/parent/community
- Identifies and intervenes in health and safety issues
- Contribute as a member of care teams
Final Forms
The Final Forms program is used by Lake Local Health Services to gather important student information, including contact information, medical services and health history. Also, authorization for over-the- counter medications can be found here.
Lake Local Schools
Lake Local School District, in cooperation with Mercy Medical Center, provides School Nursing Services.
"Healthy Children Are Better Learners."
Ohio Association of School Nurses
Online Resources
Health Screening Information
Health Care Forms
- Asthma Action Plan Form
- Bee Sting Allergy Action Plan Form
- Diabetes Action Plan Form
- Seizure Action Plan Form
- Severe Allergy Action Plan Form
- Prescription Medication Request Form
- Over-the-Counter Medication Request Form
- Immunization Religious or Philosophical Exemption
Additional Information
- Meningitis Vaccine Screening Questionnaire
- Meningitis Vaccine Insurance Form
- Flu Symptoms, How it Spreads, Being Contagious, Prevention
- Immunizations required for incoming twelfth (12th) graders for Fall 2021
- Immunizations required for incoming seventh (7th) graders for Fall 2021
- Why Should I Have My Child Vaccinated
COVID Resources