Title I
Title I
Title 1 is a federally funded educational program that provides extra support to students in the area of Reading beyond the regular classroom. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Each school district receives money from the state. The state determines how much money each school district receives by the number of low-income students attending each school. However, the students who need the most extra academic support do not have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services. Currently Lake Elementary is our Title I building. Students are eligible to receive Title I services based on multiple criteria that is developmentally appropriate for each grade level. Students receive Title I services during school hours in a small group setting with six to eight students in a group by a highly qualified teacher. Students' progress is monitored and services are adjusted as needed.
Following consultation between the student’s classroom teacher, building principal and Title I teacher, the student can be dismissed from the Title I program if he/she has made significant progress and has achieved grade level expectations. Once students have been dismissed from the program, they will continue to be monitored to make sure that they maintain grade level expectations. If the student does not maintain expected levels of performance, he/she will again have the opportunity to be placed in the Title I program.
Title I Parent Involvement
The Board believes that parental involvement is an important part of the educational program. Current research indicates that a home-school partnership and greater involvement on the part of parents in the education of their children generally result in higher achievement scores, improved student behavior and reduced absenteeism. All parents and foster caregivers are encouraged to take an active role in the education of their children or foster children.
The administration and staff will promote parental involvement by:
- Holding annual fall parent meetings to explain the Title I program
- Informing parents of the School-Parent Compact
- Informing parents of student eligibility
- Informing parents of student progress
- Informing parents of parent/teacher conferences
- Informing parents of annual parent survey
For additional information or concerns please contact:
Angel Harbaugh |
Phone: 330-877-9383, Ext. 1009 Fax: 330-877-4754 Email: harbaughangel@lakelocal.org |
LE Parent Involvement Policy
Parent School Compact Ukranian
Parent School Compact Spanish
Parent School Compact
Board of Education Title I Parent Involvement
General Parent Resources
Parent Notification Letter
Parent Notification Letter Ukranian
Parent Notification Letter Spanish
2021-22 LE Family Engagement Policy
2021-22 LE Family Engagement Policy Ukranian
2021-22 LE Family Engagement Policy Spanish
Reading Resources for Parents
Reading Tips for Parents
Reading Homework Tips
International Literacy Association
3rd Grade Reading Guarantee
STARFALL Learn to Read
Reading Rockets
Scholastic Clifford The Big Red Dog
PBS Kids Courious George
Dr. Seuss Seussville
Epic Books
Title I Staff
Staff | Title |
Melissa Adams | LE Reading Teacher |
Karla Nalepa | LE Reading Teacher |
Jenna Brady | LE Reading Teacher |
Trisha Lukens | LE Reading Teacher |